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Lessons to be Learnt from Kyle Walker's Sex Party

A month into lockdown and there is no certainty if and when the League will resume. What is clear is that when there is a return to work football will be profoundly changed because of the financial impact of the crisis.

It is not certain that owners will be cutting the size of their squads but they will be looking for ways to cut costs. Managers will be forced to reassess how many players they need, and who the most valuable players are.

You have probably heard the story of the prolifically talented England and Manchester City right back, Kyle Walker, who recently hosted a sex party, breaking all lockdown guidelines. He invited two escorts round to his flat in Manchester for three hours of fun.

But the fun wasn’t that harmless. Only hours earlier he had urged all of his Twitter followers to heed the lockdown guidelines about social distancing and stay indoors. He has since issued a grovelling apology saying, “I understand that my position as a professional footballer brings the responsibility of being a role model.”

His club, Manchester City and the coach of the English football team, Gareth Southgate have had very different reactions. Manchester City fined Kyle Walker 2 weeks wages. By leaving it at that the club do not appear to have shown any courage or conviction or respect for other players who are behaving professionally. But Gareth Southgate has reportedly said that he will never pick Kyle Walker again for England. He believes that his behaviour is not of the standard expected of an English international footballer and has said that he “will not tolerate those who step out of line and disrespect their profession.”

Is Gareth Southgate guilty of moralizing because he disapproves of sex parties? Or is he suggesting that the values that drove Kyle Walker to flout lockdown guidelines may be the same values that if unleashed on the pitch will undermine team progress?

The answer, I believe, is that Kyle Walker’s behaviour showed recklessness, irresponsibility and, above all, a lack of discipline. These behaviours are not conducive to the success of a team.

Perhaps Gareth Southgate recognises that a team may have prodigiously talented players, but this doesn’t mean that they will work well as part of a group or can be relied on when the pressure is on. For the England manager values are just as important as talent. By contrast, issuing what is for the player a relatively small fine, Manchester City seems to have chosen talent over values.

The message here for players is to be aware that the values which drive your behaviour off the pitch are the same values that drive your behaviour on the pitch.

What you do off the pitch will influence what you do on the pitch. Your approach to discipline during lockdown may be what will determine your future when lockdown ends. Managers and coaches will want those players who have strong values and who resist temptations. Values matter, just as much as talent.

Successful coaches seldom rely only on talent and skill, but focus keenly as well on what drives a player, his motivation.

So, no matter how difficult it is during this time it is essential players remain committed, disciplined and responsible. Staying true to these values is paramount.

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