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Let's Talk About Grit

This team speech inspired by the work of Angela Duckworth was given to Maccabi FC after a tough run of results and the team were starting to lose belief. I needed a speech that didn't sugar-coat things and acknowledged the position we were in but still pushed the players forward and encouraged them to keep fighting. The transcript is below.

"Let’s look at the facts. We are at the top of the log with 52 points. JDR Stars is behind us with 51 points and third in place is Dondol with 47 points. However both JDR and Dondol have a game in hand. We cannot predict the outcome of that game. We have no control over that game. We only have control as to how we approach and respond to our last 4 games.

We drew on Saturday but we responded like we had lost. Are we succumbing to the pressure of leading at a critical time? Are we moving from fighter mentality to victim mentality? A victim mentality is one when people become resigned to their fate and feel that nothing changes. A victim says things like, the refs are against us, we are going to be in this league forever, what’s the point of working hard, we are going to lose.

Are we failing to show grit at a time when it counts the most?

What is grit? Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance. Passion to turn up ready to play, win or lose and the toughness to persist when times are difficult. Adversity is part of the challenge of competitive sport. It’s part of what you signed up for. The fight is with ourselves.

Persistence is the key to beating adversity:

  • Persistence is always trying.

  • Persistence is never quitting.

  • Persistence means giving your best.

  • Persistence means keeping believing.

  • Persistence means staying in the game.

So go out there and show grit. And remember that tough times don’t last but tough players do.'

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